New schedule for the next school year fall 2023- spring 2024

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Russian, Intermediate

Teacher: Julia Gordeeva

Tuesdays, 5:00-5:45 pm

Physics Advanced for 9th graders

Schedule: Mondays 4:15-5:30pm

Teacher: Dr. Igor Zubov

Start day Sep 11th

Dates for Physics Advanced:
Sep 11 free class
Sep 25 Yom Kippur no class
Classes will be conducted on the following dates
Sep 18th; 
Oct 2, 9,16, 23, 30
Nov 6,13, 20, 27
Dec 4,11,18
Total to pay for  #13 classes for the fall semester

Physics Conceptual for gr 7/8

Schedule Wednesdays at 4:15-5:15pm

Dr. Igor Zubov

Start date Sep 15th

Dates for Physics Conceptual class:

Sep 13- free class
Classes will be conducted on the following dates
Sep 20th; 27th
Oct 4th, 11th,18th, 25th
Nov 1st; 8th,15th, 22d, 29th
Dec 6th,13th,20th
Total to pay for  #14 classes for the fall semester

Creative Writing: SAT Preparation course

Wednesdays: 6:15-7:15pm

New Math 2 Class 2023 fall


The class will focus heavily on building up numbers, to the hundreds, and then the thousands, with the concept of 10 hundred making a thousand.  Multiplication and division of facts up to 5 will be covered.  The idea of a fraction, as an equal part of some whole, is introduced, and simple geometric figures are introduced.  Telling time, and units of measurement (length, weight, capacity), are studied, and graphs, simple numerical sequences.  The main stress in this class is learning to take apart a word problem, not just doing the procedure, but figuring out what we need to do – multiply?  divide?  Many word problems on all topics will be done all year.  The concepts of “more” and “less,” are not always easy:  What is the difference between the statements, “2 more than 6 is ______” vs. “6 is _________more than 2.”  This idea will be developed, going into larger numbers as we progress.  

Class title: Math 4

Teacher: Mrs. Mary Marvin


Mondays, 5:15-6:00PM


Why do we promote the Singapore math system

We advocate for the Singapore math system because this math system teaches a model approach (visual representation of the given information) to the solution of the multi-step word problems. In addition to the model approach, it employs many other carefully crafted strategies such as supposition and restate and replace, systematic listing, all targeting the same goal: teach children to think spatially and logically at very early ages.  

What math resources do we use

 Challenging Word problems series of books, Brain Math volume 1, Beast Academy series of practice books, Unleash Math Olympian in You, beginner’s level. 

How do we engage students in the process of learning 

 We encourage children to make sense of problems, to persevere in solving them, to reason abstractly and quantitatively, we also engage them in a group discussion and in a critique of the reasoning of others. 


Class title: Math 5

For 5th graders

Head Teacher: Ms. Mary Marvin

Assistant Teacher: Collin Ostertag



Saturdays: 9:30-10:45 am

Homework Hour: Thursdays 8:00-9:00 pm 

Start date:  Sep 9th

We will work with numbers, to the 10,000s, place; multiplication, and division of 3-digit by 2-digit numbers, deepening understanding of fractions, including addition and subtraction of mixed numbers, and multiplication of fractions by fractions and whole numbers; the focus of our winter semester will be decimals and students will learn to multiply decimals by 10, 100 and 100, and do 2-digit multiplications, we will also study the topics of ratio, percentage, angles in a triangle and quadrilateral and units of measurement.  Word problems will be given on all of these topics, both how to do them, and deciding what we need to do. 


Class title: Math 6

Head Teacher: Mrs. M. Marvin

Assistant Teacher: Timothy Torubarov


Thursdays: 6:00-7:30 pm

Homework Hour: Mondays, 7:00-8:00 pm

Start date: Sep 14th                                                                                 

    Math 6 deepens many topics seen previously - ratios, rates, percentages, distance-rate-time problems.  There are many "layers," to these topics, which kids must master, and not only harder procedures but also serious word problems on all these topics will be given all year.  We will also study the circumference and area of a circle, and more complicated triangles and quadrilaterals.  Math 6 also begins PreAlgebra/Algebra topics such as exponents, distributing, like terms, algebraic substitution, simple equations and inequalities, and Order of Operations with fractions.  All are done at a beginner level. 
Forming an algebraic expression or equation, from descriptive words will be a topic all year.
Math 6 is the last "grammar school" year, and has an intensive program to finalize the topics kids have learned to date.

Class title: Math 7 Advanced

Head Teacher: Ms. Zoya Koza

Assistant Teacher: Gregory Domashenko



Saturdays: 10:15-11:30am

Homework Hour: Mondays, 7:30-8:30pm


Start date: Sep 9th

No classes on 

Math 7 Advanced Curriculum:

The placement test is required to join this class.

This course is taught in 2 semesters. It begins in September with advanced learning of Rate and Ratio, Percent, Conversion of repeating decimals into fractions and reverse, Operations with roots. It continues through the second semester with Angles, Perimeter and Area of all types of polygons, Pythagorean Triples and special triangles, Data Analysis, Permutations, and combinations. Completion of homework is required. 

In addition, students prepare for and participate in Math Olympiad, MOEM contest for grades 6-8. MOEM is given in class 5 times a year. We give MOEM every 3rd week of November, December, January, February, and March.


Class title: Math 7B

Head Teacher: Mrs Mary Marvin

Assistant Teacher: Collin Ostertag



Saturdays: 11:00-11:45am

Homework Hour: Mondays 4:15-5:00pm

Start date: Sep 9th

No classes on 

New Math 7b 

We will develop techniques of PreAlgebra – exponents, distributing, the algebraic substitution of a value, and very quickly move into Algebra, solving simple equations and inequalities, and forming linear equations.  Algebraic proportions and ratios will be covered.  Additionally, geometry will be further developed, with harder area, perimeter, volume, surface area, and angles in a triangle. 

The topics of rate, ratio, percentage, and speed will be done at a deeper level.



Class title: Math Algebra 2 

For 9-10th graders

Head Teacher: Ms. Mary Marvin

Assistant Teacher: Ishaan Sinha


Sundays: 9:15-10.45 am

Homework Hour: Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm  

Start date: Sep 10th


Class Curriculum 

Algebra 2  (Former Geometry Class) 

This is a class for students who have completed Algebra 1 and Geometry in high school.  It covers many difficult topics including polynomials (the remainder and factor theorems), the fundamental theorem of algebra, exponential and logarithmic functions; trigonometric identities, equations graphs and functions, matrices, probability, and sequences are also covered.  Basic topics from Algebra 1 will be briefly reviewed at the beginning of the class.

Class title: Algebra continuation

For 7th graders

Teacher: Ms. Mary Marvin

Assistant Teacher: Collin Ostertag


Sundays: 12:45-2:15 pm

Homework Hour:  Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00pm

Start date: Sep 10th

Algebra continuation class  

    This is an Algebra 1 class.  Linear equations, the equation of a line, parallel and perpendicular lines, systems of linear equations, and many kinds of word problems, will be studied intensively.  Exponents and radicals will be developed including negative exponents.  Fractional equations and expressions will be dealt with.  Much time will be spent on techniques of factoring, including the quadratic formula.  In the winter semester, graphing parabolas will be introduced.

Class title: SP Math


Head Teacher: Emily Chen

Schedule :

Sundays, 11:00-12:00pm

Start date: Sep 3rd 


AP Russian prep

Schedule Sunday  11;00-12:30 on Sep 17th. 

Кто студенты этого класса? Студенты,  говорящие по-русски, умеющие  читать.

Подготовка к экзамену AP Russian : чтение (работа с текстом, ответы на вопросы по тексту), аудирование (восприятие информации на слух), письмо (сочинения, эссе, письма), устная речь (рассказы на определенную тему).

The Exam AP Russian will take place on  May  tba

“The National Examinations in World Languages (NEWL) is an online proficiency exam for language learners of Russian seeking college placement and/or credit” American Councils."

for details call 732 24364150