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Math Prep

Teacher: Ms.Mary Marvin

Assistant Teacher: Gregory Domashenko

Classes are on:

Tuesdays, 4:00-4:45pm

Homework Lesson: Wednesdays 6:00-6:45pm

English 7/8

Teacher: Emily Chen

Fridays, 5:15-6:15pm


Teacher: Julia Gordeeva

Tuesdays, 5:00-5:45 pm

Start Date: September 17th

Группа для детей среднего школьного возраста из русскоговорящих семей, которые продолжают изучение русского языка как иностранного, умеют читать по слогам, говорить  простыми фразами.

Продолжаем работу по учебнику Марианны Авери "Сорока 3". Учебник "Сорока 3" - это третий уровень учебно-методического комплекса "Сорока".

Отличие учебника в том, что на этот раз в нем дается не просто диалоги-комиксы, а написана целая история про то, как мальчики помогли собаке вернуться к хозяину. Кроме того, в "Сороке 3" приводится страноведческая информация. Грамматические темы: родительный и винительный падежи. Разговорные темы: город, тело человека, визит к врачу, месяцы и времена года, еда и посуда.

В учебнике цветные иллюстрации, диалоги представлены в виде комиксов, приводится множество интересных игр и занятий, которые помогут ученикам в изучении русского языка как иностранного.

Основные направления учебной программы:  обогащение активного словарного запаса, знакомство со значением новых слов, различные формы работы со словом (словообразование), решение кроссвордов, ребусов, загадок, подбор синонимов и антонимов; обучение пересказу, составление рассказа по серии картинок и на определенную тему, умение сравнивать и обобщать, формулировать вопросы, употребление предлогов, правильное употребление слов в зависимости от рода, числа, падежа; формирование фонетического слуха: выработка правильного произношения , ударение. Совершенствование техники чтения. Переход от слогового чтения к чтению целыми словами. Чтение диалогов по ролям. Знакомство с частями речи  (предмет, признак предмета, действие предмета). Письмо  печатными буквами.

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Teacher: Ms. Zoya Koza

Assistant Teacher: Gregory Domashenko

Day and Time:

Saturdays: 10:15-11:30am

Homework Hour: Tuesdays, 8:00-9:00pm

Dates for the Fall 2024:


Sep 7; 14; 21; 28
Oct 5; 
19; 26

Nov 2; 9; 16; 23

Dec 7; 14; 21

No classes on: Oct 12th - Yom Kippur and Nov 30th - Thanksgiving

Math 5A - Creative Problem Solving Curriculum 

    This class will give children exposure to and practice with a wide variety of rich and exciting Math problems. 

     The problems will require finding unusual approaches and techniques to solve the problems, and the ability to make keen observations about a problem, rather than merely learning a procedure or theorem.  

     Although the topics do draw upon knowledge learned in school, and moreover, even strengthen that knowledge, their main purpose is to show children problems that require ingenuity and real understanding. 

    We will learn how to solve Cryptarithms (finding missing numbers in a math problem), analyze Venn diagrams, Matrix Logic puzzles (loved by kids), Number Logic Puzzles to determine what the number is based on clues, Clever Ways to Count, Some “Tricks” with Integers, Fractions, and Geometric Shapes – and many other exciting topics!!!  



Teacher: Ms.Mary Marvin

Assistant Teacher: Timothy Torubarov

Day and Time:

Saturdays: 9:30-10:45 am

Homework Hour: Thursdays, 7:30-8:30pm

Dates for the Fall 2024:


Sep: 7; 14; 21; 28
Oct:  5 ; 19; 26
Nov:  2; 9; 16; 23
Dec: 7; 14; 21

No classes on: Oct 12th - Yom Kippur and Nov 30th - Thanksgiving

   Math 6 Curriculum


  Math 6 is the transition year from the topics of the elementary school curriculum, into middle school, and PreAlgebra.  

     The topics of fractions, ratios, properties of geometric figures, and others, will be done now in more depth, and with accompanying word problems. 

     We will study new topics of percentages, circles, data analysis and graphs, volume, and distance-speed problems. 

     PreAlgebra will now be introduced.  The class will cover working with integers, forming a simple algebraic expression, and exponents, solving simple linear equations, and other techniques.


      Math 6 is the culmination of elementary school mathematics, and all topics will be reviewed and presented rigorously.


Teacher: Ms.Mary Marvin

Assistant Teacher: Gregory Domashenko

Day and time:

Thursdays: 6:00-7:30 pm

Homework Hour: Mondays, 7:30-8:30pm

Dates for the Fall 2024:

September 12, 19, 26

October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

November 7, 14, 21 

December 5, 12, 19

No class on Nov 28th - Thanksgiving

Teacher: Ms.Mary Marvin

Assistant Teacher: Ishaan Sinha

Day and Time: 

Saturdays: 11:00-12:00 am

Homework Hour: Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm

Dates for the Fall 2024:


Sep: 7; 14; 21; 28
Oct: 5; 19; 26
Nov: 2; 9; 16; 23
Dec: 7; 14; 21

No classes on Oct 12th - Yom Kippur and Nov 30th - Thanksgiving

Teacher: Ms.Mary Marvin

Assistant Teacher: Shmuel Kister

Day and Time: Sunday 11:00-12:30 pm

Homework Hour lessons: Thursdays, 8:00-9:00 pm

Dates for the Fall 2024:


Sep: 8; 15; 22; 29

Oct: 6; 13; 20; 27

Nov: 3; 10; 17; 24 

Dec: 8; 15; 22

No class on Nov 30th - Thanksgiving

Geometry High School Level Curriculum 

   The class will prepare students to take the rigorous end-of-year NJ State Geometry exam, covering in depth, all topics in that course. 

    It will begin with Deductive Logic, used in all topics of Geometry (converses, inverses, contra-positives.) 

    We then go to properties and proofs involving parallel and perpendicular lines and move next to the congruence and similarity relationships in triangles. These concepts are also studied for other polygons. Special polygons like right triangles and quadrilaterals are studied intensively.  The class moves into properties of circles, e.g., arcs, chords, angles, and segments in a circle. 

    Coordinate Geometry, areas, and volumes of geometric figures (prisms, pyramids, etc.), transformations of graphs (shifting, stretching), and geometric constructions round out the course,  

Teacher: Ms.Mary Marvin

Assistant Teacher: tba

Day and time:

Sundays: 9:15-10.45 am

Homework Hour: tbа

Dates for the Fall 2024:


Sep: 8; 15; 22; 29

Oct: 6; 13; 20; 27

Nov: 3; 10; 17; 24 

Dec: 8; 15; 22

No class on Nov 30th - Thanksgiving

Precalculus Class Curriculum

    This is an intensive class, designed to prepare students to take the AP Precalculus exam. 

    The main topic of Precalculus is Function Theory.  This includes properties of functions, inverses, continuity, odd/even functions, increasing/decreasing functions. 

   A good part of the course is spent on deep analysis of logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric functions, inverse trig functions, polynomial and rational functions, piece-wise functions and others. Students have worked with all of these previously, but now the topics become much deeper and more thorough. 

    Counting and Probability, Sequences and Series, Analytic Trigonometry, and Matrices are also studied. 

   The course culminates with a preview of Calculus, as we discuss the concepts of a limit and the derivative.